Prayer Meetings
Prayer is at the heart of everything that we do. Prayer is our active part of our relationship with Jesus our God. In the menu on the right you will find links to our prayer notes, and to the Church of England’s excellent daily prayer website.
If you would like us to pray for a particular person or situation, please contact one of the clergy (see Ministry team page), email us on prayers@binsey.org.uk or send a text to 07583 180083. You don’t need to provide any personal details unless you wish to but if you do want someone to contact you, please make sure you leave a telephone number or email address.
Most of our churches are open throughout the day for you to drop in for a quiet time of prayer should you wish it. See the Churches section for details of the times the churches are open.
Prayer Breakfast
Every month we hold a Prayer Breakfast on a Tuesday at 9am. Please check our events page to find out when and where it's next happening.
Breakfast is provided by the host Church and is then followed by silent prayer.
Do come and join this friendly and happy event and maybe, meet new people. Our loving God longs for us to talk with Him and your prayers are needed.
Midweek Prayer - 12 Midday, every Wednesday
More than anything else, praying together brings about change. Praying with one another, we can witness God produce miracles and change hearts. A time to pause in the middle of the week. Come and see what God can do. Please join with us for half an hour of led prayer.
Please check our events page to find where our next one is being held.